09 July 2008

We've got a skin on skin thing baby

so my post for this week's TOP poem is interesting. it's unconventional and perhaps a little over PG-13.  it's untitled as of now, but any suggestions would have equal thought consideration.

I watch your eyes as the travel so slowly
down the length of my body. I shiver 
as you kiss the fluttering heartbeat
in the hollow of my throat.

Your eyes lock with mine as your fingers
trail down the creamy expanse of my skin
and find the hidden pearl that unlocks 
all of my secret desires.

My breathing
coming in

Your name escapes
my lips like a prayer
and I close my eyes
to let the desire
wash over me.

every inch of my being
is on fire. Wave
after wave
of pleasure crashes
into me. Sending 
me spinning into oblivion.

Your lips on mine bring me back into the present,
your eyes smile at me from under your lashes
and I know this is going to be a very long night.


Linda said...

I'll be back after I take a cold shower! lol

You certainly captured the tempo of love all right!

Andy Sewina said...

Yeah, it's all in the eyes isn't it? Don't you just love eyes that smile?

Anonymous said...

Whew! lol.. yeah, you know the tempo of the love machine! :D This was a fun read - you did a wonderful job!

gautami tripathy said...

I like the working title!


tears trickle slowly