04 July 2008

A New Arrival

so i'm starting to try and keep up with a poem prompter blog. it's very fun and interesting for me. i'm grateful that i stumbled upon it  because it keeps my creative juices flowing... and at times... my muses go on vacation. so... here's my poem to this weeks prompt... which was "First Giraffe."

"A New Arrival"

What is this Strange Thing?
It has a long neck and legs
and covered in spots.


Andy Sewina said...

Great Haiku! Don't you just love simplicity..

Anonymous said...

I just found the T O P site too and felt to write a Senryu. I loved yours. It would have been funny to see a giraffe, for the first time, wouldn't it?

My Beautiful African is up at my place: http://bevies-place.livejournal.com/31683.html

Tumblewords: said...

For sure! Nice job!