25 June 2008

Pictures Post

My Award Winning Poem

It's titled "Storm"

the sky is dreary in these evenings
grey and low, pregnant and about to burst
Wind whistles mournfully
the trees and grass bow down

Lightning flashes a warning across the sky
illuminating a picturesque country town
Thunder murmurs, a low rumble to scare
a flock of birds scatters an flies
Rain falls rhythmically
pitter-patter on the green tin roof
darkly dotting the sidewalk and street

a little girl laughs and splashes 
as Puddles form and fill
Rain falls faster, frantic, and louder
people hurry indoors

Lightning streaks across the sky
Thunder crashes
a pine tree splinters and burns

Ice softballs plummet to the ground
the sound of car alarms and shattered glass 
herald the entrance of the main event

Wind howls and spins angrily
darting, dodging, dancing
through the little town
picking and choosing targets

cars fly across the landscape
like futuristic prototypes
trees are uprooted, knocking the cars to earth
some houses explode while others escape

Suddenly everything stops.
thinking, then disappearing
leaving only colors and distruction

23 June 2008

I could keep you all for myself

so friday was nick's birthday. i was very distressed because i couldn't get him anything because i didn't have any money. i did write him A Really Crappy Love Poem. It was pretty cute i guess. i suck at love poems.
but we went to kennesaw and he helped me get my mawmaw's ring back from the jeweler, which made me really excited. then we went and ate a carrabba's because the kennesaw location of macaroni grill was closed! then we went to his mama's house and chatted with them. it was pretty fun. the day was mostly good. mom (his mother) got back from her trip to florida so it was really good to see her.
saturday we (mom, nick, david and i) spent the day riding motorcycles, after we picked mom's up from the shop. it was lots of fun. i want one. so i have an invisible one.
sunday we went to the harley shop. which was really cool. then nick and i went to my daddy's house... where my father was a complete and total dick. but whatever. then i went home. 
so yeah. it's been a pretty uneventful week. i've just been kinda bored. i dont have work. so i'm waiting for my new job to start at the first of july.

14 June 2008

Sins like Skeletons

i hung out with nick today. :D it was lots of fun. 
we went to eat lunch with matt and kristen s. at a chinese restaurant. it was nice to see them.
then we went to the powersports store to get nick's free tshirt for it being his birthday (ON FRIDAY!! i don't have anything to get him either!). while we were in there, nick made me sit on a motorcycle (because i'm taking the MSF course in september :D) and i've decided that i want one. they're pretty spectacular and would save me tremendously on gas going back and forth to school and things (even though school is right down the road). i'll still have to ride in the car with the nanny job, but if i can use my car ONLY for that purpose, then that would be the way to go, especially with gas prices topping out over 4 bucks a gallon. ugh. so i'm pretty excited about the prospect of being able to ride a motorcycle (and the one i want is pretty cheap too. topping out just over 5k. :D)
we then proceeded in rain and traffic to jared, where i was able to get my grandmother's ring that is now mine fixed for 21 bucks (very excited) and get my engagement ring cleaned; atlanta bread company, where i got papa's father's day present (a gift card); and to the mall, where i (finally) used the HT gift card that katie got me for Christmas (i bought a shirt and some earrings that were cute!), got my daddy a card, found some nostalgic koala cookies, and finally got to try some japanese drink with a marble in it and is a bitch to open. it was fun. we also updated our macy's registry. :)
then we went to lowes, where we fawned over the washers and dryers and looked at the pedestal sinks; also getting my daddy his father's day present (a gift card). 
then on to walmart to pick nick's mama up some last minute stuff before she goes to florida, and to his mama's house to get my stuff so i can go home. 
it was a fun day over all. i'm pretty excited that i get to see my daddy tomorrow. i haven't seen him in a while, so this should be fun. we're going grocery shopping like we used to a long time ago. and then we're going to cook out. i can't wait. after that, i'm going to the lake to see my grandfather and uncles, aunts and cousins. it should be fun as well. 

12 June 2008


we had a really bad storm last night. the lightning struck our house (it sounded like a huge lightbulb popped) and killed our telephone and (of all things) our garage door opener. therefore, i am currently sitting at krystal with katie using their free wi-fi and drinking a delicious (much to my surprise) smoothie. 
this week has pretty much sucked. i got a sinus infection on monday and it just won't go away. ugh. i've been miserable for a while (it's like nick gave me his sinuses!). i have only been to work one day, and i'm almost hoping that i don't have to go tomorrow either. (not that i really have a car. it's in the shop because there's something wrong with the air compressor. it started smoking this morning... which is quite terrifying, just in case you didn't know.) 
so yeah.
i've gotten a new job and it starts the first week of july! i'm going to be a nanny for a little two year old boy. i'm going to be able to have a life, and go to school, as well as earn money. i'm pretty excited about it. they live really close to my house, which is good for me, especially with gas prices so high. (ugh. and opec isn't gonna do anything until the "market demands it." .... since when does 4 dollars a gallon or more in some places, not constitute the market demanding it?)
so i'm pretty much in limbo right now. i'm trying to go out with friends more, since nick is so far away and i don't get to see him often. i'm trying my hand at "chefing it up" when i have to cook for the family though, just to have a little fun. (i did make a pretty damn good lemon pepper chicken last night. i was really surprised at how juicy it turned out.
i'm still trying to cope with my grandmother dying. i'm not having quite as many "bad days" any more, but i've still had a few things that have brought me to tears.
i'm trying to get into shape. we'll see how that works out. :D

03 June 2008


so my mother somehow talked me into going to what her personally trainer calls "bootcamp." 
she wasn't kidding. 60 minutes of non-stop push-you-beyond-your-comfort-level exercise. we did crunches on top of tables so they where harder (those were "light"); what's called a woodchop that works your obliques; rows and a lot of other upper body exercises. 
right now, i can barely lift my arms to my shoulders. which is going to be a bitch when i have drive and then work. fun shit. but. perhaps i'll be able to get into shape since it is bikini season... 
just... wow... i've never worked out that hard in my life. anyone want to come with me?
tomorrow: cardio with mama.
friday: lower body bootcamp!

02 June 2008

Poetry abounds

well... here is some old stuff while i wait for my muses to kick in so i can write some new stuff.


(As I sit here, a tragedy develops)

A summer evening passed indoors
Friends, for now, forgotten
School a distant memory and a future problem
An unopened book lies askew on the bed


Gathering Storm

Time passes slowly in these hours of dimming light
Watching the world go by
Listening to the murmuring of thunder
Waiting for the rain to fall


Disappearing Act*****

A hush falls over the crowded room 
All eyes on the tragic blue-eyed beauty
She slowly walks to the center of the room
Whispers follow her every step
With audible tears sliding down porcelain cheeks 
She starts to fade away
Her sobs fill the air with melancholy 
For people never realized that she was even there

***** this one needs work, I know.

First Blog!

this is my first blog on this new site. i'm going to be using it to post about my daily life and my works of creativity (mainly writing, and then photography when i get my camera fixed). 
so i hope you enjoy.