26 August 2009

Headline News

So. I wrote a new poem from a prompt on Read.Write.Poem. I'm pretty happy with this one. It's inspired by the news headlines written by one of my good friends, Mark Harrison, who is a columnist for the Fort Payne, AL Times-Journal. The headline was "The Quest Leads to the Road Less Wild."

[The Enemy You Know is Better than the One You Don’t]

The road less traveled some would argue
would be the best course to take
I, on the other hand, would rather
take the easy route, the one I know

For who knows where the less traveled
road may lead, probably over the hills
and far away from the place I want to be
which is not any where I’d like to end my travels

Even though I might go astray on my path
frolicking in the daisies and daffodils
this quest so often called life
always leads me down the road less wild