14 June 2008

Sins like Skeletons

i hung out with nick today. :D it was lots of fun. 
we went to eat lunch with matt and kristen s. at a chinese restaurant. it was nice to see them.
then we went to the powersports store to get nick's free tshirt for it being his birthday (ON FRIDAY!! i don't have anything to get him either!). while we were in there, nick made me sit on a motorcycle (because i'm taking the MSF course in september :D) and i've decided that i want one. they're pretty spectacular and would save me tremendously on gas going back and forth to school and things (even though school is right down the road). i'll still have to ride in the car with the nanny job, but if i can use my car ONLY for that purpose, then that would be the way to go, especially with gas prices topping out over 4 bucks a gallon. ugh. so i'm pretty excited about the prospect of being able to ride a motorcycle (and the one i want is pretty cheap too. topping out just over 5k. :D)
we then proceeded in rain and traffic to jared, where i was able to get my grandmother's ring that is now mine fixed for 21 bucks (very excited) and get my engagement ring cleaned; atlanta bread company, where i got papa's father's day present (a gift card); and to the mall, where i (finally) used the HT gift card that katie got me for Christmas (i bought a shirt and some earrings that were cute!), got my daddy a card, found some nostalgic koala cookies, and finally got to try some japanese drink with a marble in it and is a bitch to open. it was fun. we also updated our macy's registry. :)
then we went to lowes, where we fawned over the washers and dryers and looked at the pedestal sinks; also getting my daddy his father's day present (a gift card). 
then on to walmart to pick nick's mama up some last minute stuff before she goes to florida, and to his mama's house to get my stuff so i can go home. 
it was a fun day over all. i'm pretty excited that i get to see my daddy tomorrow. i haven't seen him in a while, so this should be fun. we're going grocery shopping like we used to a long time ago. and then we're going to cook out. i can't wait. after that, i'm going to the lake to see my grandfather and uncles, aunts and cousins. it should be fun as well. 

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